How Do You Measure Success?

how do you mearsure success

The other day i witnessed an interesting series of events on the basketball court.Guy A complained because he thought Guy B fouled him when he went to shoot. Guy B clearly did not think that the call was deserved. So the jawing began.Up and down the court they continued to engage, and the argument intensified. It was now a matter of pride…personal validation, if you will.Then it happened.One says, “Don’t even talk to me, bro. I make $90,000/ year!"


It’s amazing how much identity humans find in money. And consequently, how much our version of success is influenced by how much we earn. It’s almost instinctive.The beauty of success though is that we can paint our own picture of it.For example, Jeff Walker, one of my favorite entrepreneurs measures his success by the number of days he gets to spend on snow skis each year.We too can choose to paint our own picture of success based on things that matter to us.Check out this short video.

If we don’t choose our own picture of success, other people with choose it for us.Here are a few examples of non-tradition pictures of success:

  • Finding fulfillment in work you love
  • Making an impact in the community
  • Maintaining a healthy work/life balance
  • Amount of time you spend with your children
  • Time spent serving your church
  • Number of days you can be outdoors/hobbying

How do you measure success? Will you share it with the Heart Meets Hustle community?

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