Have you ever wondered if the hard stuff in life is worth it?Sometimes i do, but then i remember some of my chief childhood difficulties.[caption id="attachment_1176" align="aligncenter" width="676"]
Credit: alphaspirit/Shutterstock[/caption]Remember when you were learning how to ride your bike?I can brag that i was able to ride my bike without training wheels at the age of 3. But I know i ate it hard a few times, and I’m sure the tears flowed. The bike-riding process isn’t easy for any kid. In fact, one friend told me recently that she cut off a toe when her bike collided with a neighbors mailbox and had to have it sewed back on. That’s enough to discourage any kiddo from mounting back up!

The worst for me was learning how to tie my shoes. Even after the songs and the cute stories that help a youngin’ remember the shoe-tying steps, i didn’t think i was ever going to get the hang of it. I think at one point i even asked my parents if i could keep my velcro shoes forever. I mean, why endure this frustration when there is a perfectly acceptable alternative that i’m already really good at. Ha!But for heaven’s sake we persevered.What if you would’ve never learned to ride your bike? You wouldn’t have been able to keep up with your neighborhood friends where you made some of your greatest childhood memories.And if you never would’ve learned to tie your shoes, you’d still be wearing black and grey velcro ones like your grandfather and 7th grade science teacher. Even worse you’d be walking around barefoot because, when you were 5, the process was too difficult and you just gave up.
Fast Forward
I think many of us struggle with similar things. I say they are similar because if you step back and take a 10,000ft view, the struggle we are facing now may only be as significant as learning to make 2 bunny ears, and loop around and through. I’ve talked before about enduring the process and having something valuable to take away from each season of life.I am a love-lifer. I like to relax with friends and enjoy the finer and simpler things. However, i’m also a firm believer that everyday you are either getting better or getting worse. If you don't have an area of you’re life where you’re working on something that is difficult for you, you likely aren’t reaching for your full potential.I’m currently dealing with personal time management and professional discipline. Sometimes the weight is heavy and the worries and cares of life mount on-top. But i’ve heard, it’s the guy who keeps showing up that prevails in the end. So right now i am putting emphasis on scheduling work times, automating processes, delegating effectively, and inspiring myself in new ways. The goal is that when the process is over, i will be able to handle more capacity than before, work more efficiently, and manage people in a more caring and beneficial way.
It’s Worth It
What are you dealing with right now that seems hard? Stay in the race, it’s worth it. Continue putting in the effort. Maybe this thing that’s difficult right now will be the skill or know-how that opens a huge window of opportunity for you. One day soon you’ll be able to say, “Wow, i’m glad i didn’t give up.”Are you working on something that you are passionate about or that challenges you? If the answer is no, find one. Pick 1 or 2 things that are difficult for you where you are now, and be intentional about making the jump to ease. It will be worth it.